Lone Worker

Make work safer for your people

Reduce risk across your remote workforce
Understand your lone worker's whereabouts and status at all times
Automate the initiation of incident response activities
Increase employee wellbeing and safety

Improve your legal duty of care obligations by streamlining the lone worker experience with intelligent workflows

How We Help

Increase the safety of
your lone workers
Know the whereabouts and safety status of your lone workers at all times; monitor and alert off of changing situations with live data feeds; and automate response with intelligent workflows.
Enhance enterprise
Put realtime data from devices, sensors, and data feeds into context, providing subject matter experts with instant access to critical information needed to evaluate risks and take action.
Improve operational efficiencies
Leverage the power of data with realtime dashboards and live maps—make better informed decisions, anticipate trends, maximize automation, and guide continual improvement.
Optimize response to
critical events
Create assignments and automate the initiation of incident response activities with intelligent workflows—configure realtime alerting for SOS, check-in, geofence, proximity, live events, and more.
Improve business
continuity planning
With a greater perspective on realtime activities, make better informed decisions and take more impactful action to prevent harm to your people and disruption to your operations.
Meet your legal duty of
care obligations
With the elevated and ever-changing corporate risk of critical events, it’s more important than ever to use the power of technology to make the world of work safer for your people. We are here to help.

360° Track

Know the whereabouts of your people and high-value assets with near-realtime geolocation tracking; configure automated workflows for points, routes, and geofences; share locations; collaborate with secure chat; and more.

360° Protect

Know the whereabouts and safety status of your people with near-realtime geolocation tracking; configure automated workflows for SOS alerting, check-ins, and data feeds; collaborate with secure chat; and more.